Once orthodontic treatment is complete, you will need some form of a retainer to maintain the new shape of your smile. Teeth tend to shift around on their own, but a retainer will hold them in place for years to come. There are three main types of retainers that you should know about, each with it’s own benefits.

1) Wire Retainer
Probably the most common form of retainer is the wire retainer. We often see these with colorful pieces that fit over the roof of your mouth to hold it secure. These are common because the wire allows lots of flexibility!

2) Bonded Retainer
A bonded retainer is a fantastic retainer for those who want to be inconspicuous. We fix the retainer permanently behind your teeth you hold things in place without drawing attention!

3) Clear Retainer
Much like an Invisalign aligner, a clear retainer is a piece of hard plastic that we custom-make to fit over your teeth perfectly. This is another great option for inconspicuous wearing, though it really only needs to be worn at night!

A retainer is the ticket to keeping your orthodontic care in good shape! After having the work done, we want to see you take care of that work and maintain your stunning smile! Contact us today to learn more about retainer options. We can help you select the retainer that will work best with your smile. We can’t wait to hear from you soon!