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Family is important to us here in northern Indiana. We know the important role of family, and we believe strongly in family care at any doctor’s office, but especially our own. What does that mean exactly?
Family care means that every member of the family can be treated at the same location. Not only that, but every member of the family matters to the doctor. Just because only one of your three children needs braces does not mean that we want to ignore the rest of your family!
Our job is to make our patients smile beautifully, and taking care of the entire family is a great way to do that. It’s much easier to go through orthodontic treatment if you have someone to do it with!
You Become a Part of Our Family
When you begin seeing us at Orthodontic Alliances, you become a part of our family. That means that we are getting to know you, and we can’t wait to hear all of your news! After all, our relationship together will last for a few years or more. We are bound to become invested in the happenings of your life!
We find that kids especially benefit from the personal touch we provide during orthodontic appointments. They like to hear their name when they enter the room, and they like to know that their doctor knows who they are. We are able to provide that because we do genuinely care about our patients!
We Watch Out For Your Family
You will become a part of our OA family, and we will help you out by watching out for the other members of your family. We will make this experience something that you can all share, which will benefit each member of the family, whether they are wearing braces or not!
Let’s take a look at some specific programs we offer to make family care easy for you!
Monitor Younger Siblings for FREE
Orthodontic issues are often related to genetics, which means that if one sibling needs care, the chances are higher than other siblings will also need care. That can seem overwhelming, especially if you have several children.
We make the process easier for parents. When we begin treating a child, we offer to monitor that child’s other siblings for FREE. We can catch signs of orthodontic issues earlier for the younger siblings which will actually save you money if we can correct the issue before serious problems show. It also gives you peace of mind knowing that someone is looking out for those smiles besides yourself!
Offer a $200 Discount for Family Care
Monitoring siblings is great, but what about when those siblings actually need care? We try to make that easier on families as well by offering a substantial discount to the relatives of our current patients.
This could be a sibling, but it could also be the parent! If someone else in your household needs orthodontic treatment of any kind, we will give you $200 off that treatment simply because we care about helping families get the orthodontic work they need.
Making the Process Fun for All
If we can make this process fun for your entire family, we will do that! We offer all sorts of rewards for our patients. We also love to pass along freebies! Free t-shirts, earning prize points for a variety of oral health tasks, and entering you to win a free iPhone are just a few ways that we make wearing braces fun.
Still aren’t sure that we can give your family the care and attention it needs? Why not give us a call to find out for yourself! Take us up on our offer for a free consultation and get to know us a little bit.
Contact us today to set up your FREE initial consultation. We would love to see you very soon to help you have the smile of your dreams in no time!
Visit Orthodontic Alliances
We can see you as soon as tomorrow!