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Your temporomandibular joint is the joint that holds your lower jaw to your skull. Your lower jaw is actually the only part of your jaw that moves when you chew, speak, or yawn. That joint gets a lot of wear and tear, and it’s not uncommon for patients to develop soreness, clicking, or popping, which is a sign of TMJ, temporomandibular joint disorder. In some instances, the symptoms will go away on their own, but that’s not always the case.
TMJ is generally caused by a previous injury or possibly stress that causes your teeth to clench and grind together. Sometimes patients hear popping or clicking when they chew, but they might also experience pain around the ear, or wake up with headaches on a regular basis. Your dentist might recommend rest, jaw stretches, or a better posture, but these simple self-treatment exercises aren’t always enough to overcome the problem.
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TMJ is not something to mess around with. There are some cases where the simple exercises and treatments can make a big difference, but when TMJ is caused by a more serious problem, like misalignment, you will need an orthodontic solution to correct the problem. Any time you suspect or are told you have a TMJ disorder, you should come see us. We will let you know if those simple techniques will take care of the problem, or if you’ll need something more extensive.
TMJ is not a life or death situation, but it is a very serious condition for your mouth that should be taken care of right away. Contact us today if you suspect that you might be suffering from a TMJ problem. We would love to take a look and help you find a solution that will work best for you.
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