Do you hear clicking sounds whenever you open or close your mouth? This clicking wasn’t painful at first, so you didn’t think too much of it, right? When your face began to ache, however, you suddenly realized that the problem might be more serious than you initially thought.

TMJ disorder is a medical problem related to the temporomandibular joint, which connects your lower jaw to your skull. When you have problems with your TMJ, you can feel pain, find it difficult to chew, experience headaches and more symptoms.

The disorder may affect you at any age, and research shows that most sufferers are women.


It’s not often clear what causes TMJ disorder, but you may get it in different ways, from trauma like bumps or falls, whiplash injuries, and grinding or clenching the teeth. Systemic diseases like arthritis may also contribute. Dental misalignments such as overbites, crooked teeth, and malocclusions may also develop into full-blown TMJ disorder when aggravated by ill-fitting dentures.

Signs and Symptoms

There are many types of TMJ disorders, and there are also different sets of symptoms for each. The common signs include difficulty chewing or biting, pain around the ear and in the facial muscles and jaw joints, and popping or clicking sounds when you open your mouth. Other symptoms may include headaches and dizziness, jaw locking, and difficulty opening your mouth.


When you detect signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder, you should contact a dental professional at once. These disorders are best treated right away, before they can cause serious and painful harm. When you leave it untreated, the only option to correct it later would be through surgery.

Orthodontic Alliances specializes in diagnosing and treating patients suffering from TMJ disorder. Call our office to schedule an appointment.