Orthodontic treatment is a discipline in dentistry focused on correcting improper bites or malocclusions. It is important for people to go through orthodontic check-up to make sure they do not have dental issues affecting the overall function of their tooth, mouth, and gums. You may avoid tooth irregularity, misaligned jawbones, and oral misplacement through this dental specialty. Aside from addressing bite problems, orthodontics also deals with control and treatment of facial growth.

Depending on your needs, an orthodontic dentist may carry out dental procedures either for purely aesthetic reasons or for restorative purposes. It is important to learn the different expertise of orthodontic specialists. Some work exclusively on repairing teeth problems while others are proficient in complete facial reconstruction. Talking to the dentist about your condition may enlighten you on what you should do. Here are some treatments under orthodontic dentistry:

Braces – these are metal braces or brackets installed to improve teeth alignment. Some dentists use ceramic or stainless steel for this treatment, depending on your condition or preferences. The dentist will set a regular schedule to adjust the braces.

Invisalign – are clear plastic aligners placed over teeth. They are effective in immediately addressing alignment issues. Nonetheless, Invisalign cannot completely replace traditional braces. Ask your dentist if this can be a good solution to fix your crooked teeth.

Suresmile – this procedure utilizes a robot and 3D imaging to reduce the amount of time to correct teeth alignment.

Consult your dentist for other treatment choices. Generally, people feel intimidated over receiving orthodontic treatment because of the price. This is not the case all the time. It is possible to find cheap orthodontics if you search hard enough.

Call our office to set an appointment so we may discuss these options and more. You don’t have to live with crooked teeth your whole life. There are many ways to improve your smile and boost your confidence. Look for an experienced orthodontist to help you out.