Invisalign Aligners Can Get Your Teeth in Line

It’s time to turn your dream smile into the smile that you see when you look in the mirror. Invisalign clear aligners can do some big things to make your dream a reality:

  • Improve the visual alignment of your teeth
  • Close spaces within your smile
  • Correct crowded teeth
  • Fix bite issues, such as overbites and underbites

Both of our doctors at Orthodontic Alliances have the experience, knowledge, and skills to get the maximum benefits from our treatments, including Invisalign aligners, so you can get your smile where you want it to be.

Invisalign has proven to be effective for adults and teens. This service is an excellent option for many of our patients because of some clear benefits:

  • Removable aligners that can be taken out during meals
  • Custom-made aligners that are comfortable to wear
  • Transparent aligners that are discreet

You feel more confident when you feel good about your smile. This can be invaluable both in personal and professional situations. Straight teeth also are good for your oral health since they are easier to clean with your daily brushing and flossing and during your regulars visits with your family dentist.

As effective as Invisalign can be, it is just one of the many services you can receive at our practice. After a consultation with either of our doctors, you can meet your goals with one of our services, such as:

  • Traditional Metal Braces
  • Ceramic Braces
  • Fast-Acting Adult Braces

At the conclusion of your treatment, you will need to wear a retainer regardless of which treatment you receive. One of our clear retainers will help you maintain your straight teeth for decades to come.

We also offer multiple payment options to make your orthodontic care easier to manage. Let us help you get the smile that you want within your budget.

Call 219-440-6512 now to schedule a consultation about Invisalign in Crown Point. Discuss our different services at Orthodontic Alliances. Make your plan to create the straight smile you’ve always dreamed of having!